You protected yourself from the storm, now how do you protect yourself from the aftermath, including mold, exposed materials such as asbestos and other factors such as noise from machinery that may be used to help with the clean-up efforts? Consider what personal protective equipment you may need during clean-up that can go a long way towards helping prevent injury.
Flood Protection and Above the Shoulders PPE
With floods come hazards such as mold or airborne dusts containing harmful substances. Consider what personal protective equipment (PPE) you may need to help safely clean-up after the storm.
Hurricanes: Be Prepared with Your Respiratory Protection Ahead of Time
Meeting respiratory protection needs when a hurricane hits – inspection, restocking, respiratory protection program.
Protecting Yourself from Mold During Hurricane Cleanup
Choosing the right personal protective equipment (PPE) to help protect yourself from mold that might be growing in hazardous areas is an important decision.
Choosing the Right Respirator for Hurricane Cleanup Efforts
The work after a hurricane includes rescue and recovery, demolition and remediation, and construction. Respiratory hazards may be and often are present during each of these phases.