VLOG: Fluid Resistance Testing for Surgical Masks and Respirators

Find out more about the testing used to see if fluid penetrates surgical masks and respirators.

VLOG: California’s OSHA Emergency Rule – Respiratory Protection Requirements for Wildfires

CalOSHA has adopted an emergency rule requiring employers to provide respiratory protection to all employees working outside for longer than one hour when the air quality index (AQI) reaches 151 or greater.

An N95 Respirator and a Dust Mask Walk Into a Bar

There is a clear difference between a mask and a respirator.

Valley Fever: Taking Precautions if You Work Outdoors

Cases of Valley fever have been increasing, but many are not aware of this fungal agent and that it can be quite dangerous. What is Valley fever and what PPE should you consider?

Protecting Yourself from Mold During Hurricane Cleanup

Choosing the right personal protective equipment (PPE) to help protect yourself from mold that might be growing in hazardous areas is an important decision.

Choosing the Right Respirator for Hurricane Cleanup Efforts

The work after a hurricane includes rescue and recovery, demolition and remediation, and construction. Respiratory hazards may be and often are present during each of these phases.