Many young people get summer or afterschool jobs that involve farm work, construction, landscaping or theme parks, all of which can damage hearing. Prolonged exposure to high-noise volumes or even short exposures to high-level impulse sound can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause noise-induced hearing loss and/or ringing in the ears. Learn more about how to protect loved ones from hearing loss.
Biomotion + Retroreflectivity = Being Seen Better in Low Light
Wrists, ankles, knees and torso. Those are the key locations where runners, bikers and construction workers should wear reflective material to help be the most visible.
OSHA Requirements and Regulations Change: Time to Trade in Old Equipment
Workers and safety managers can now trade in their old equipment for more than 170 DBI-3M™ SALA® and Protecta® Fall Protection Products and receive cash rebates.
Welding a Stronger Workforce Takes Teamwork: ISHN Article
There is mounting research that links strong workplace health and safety programs with less recordable injuries. This month’s ISHN magazine has an article “Welding a Stronger Workforce Takes Teamwork” by our own, Tom Reinholt, a Segment Marketer for Heavy Manufacturing in the US for the Personal Safety Division of 3M.
Welding a Stronger Workforce
This article first appeared on on April 1, 2017 and is reprinted with permission.
OSHA Walking-Working Standards: The Time for Training is Now
We invite you to join us on April 25th and 26th for 3M’s Southern California Safety Showcase, with two days of events, demonstrations and training opportunities to help you achieve compliance.
The Differences Between Disposable Respirators and Surgical Masks
While disposable respirators look similar to masks used during surgery and other medical procedures, the two are designed for very different purposes.
The Evolution of Fall Protection and the Rescue Breakthrough You Should Know About
There are many elements of workplace health and safety; fall protection is just one piece of a complete system. In this article, we take a look at some of the changes beyond the OSH Act that have helped lead to this marked improvement.
A Helpful Guide to OSHA’s New Silica Standard
If your crew works with silica, you’ve probably heard about OSHA’s updated construction regulation that goes into effect starting mid-2017. However, you may not be clear on the details and what it means for your team.
Why Do Disposable Respirators Have a Defined Shelf Life?
If you’re responsible for managing inventories of personal protection equipment, you should be aware that most disposable respirators have a limited shelf life, after which they should no longer be used.