3M™ Protemp™ Crown Temporisation Material from 3M is the world’s first single-unit, self-supporting, malleable and light curable composite crown.
42 Temporary Crowns in the Sizes: Molar Upper Large (6 x), Molar Upper Small (6 x), Molar Lower Large (6 x), Molar Lower Small (6 x), Bicuspid (Premolar) Upper Large (4 x), Bicuspid (Premolar) Upper Small (4 x), Bicuspid (Premolar) Lower (4 x), Cuspid (Canine) Large (3 x), Cuspid (Canine) Small (3 x), 2 x Crown Size Tools (10 pcs. each), 1 Crown Drawer, Crown Drawer Labels, 1 Technique Guide; 5 Temporary Crowns Molar Lower Small, 1 Crown Size Tool.