3M™ Battery Electrolyte HQ-115

  • 3M ID B00005989

Longer battery cycle life, 10% improvement in capacity retention after 300 cycles at 50C

Reduced gas generation for minimize swelling in pouch or prismatic cells

Cell impedance control through formation of effective SEI protective layers

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  • Longer battery cycle life, 10% improvement in capacity retention after 300 cycles at 50C
  • Reduced gas generation for minimize swelling in pouch or prismatic cells
  • Cell impedance control through formation of effective SEI protective layers
  • Improved safety by reducing the impact of soft shorts when stored at high temperature
  • Excellent solubility, ionic conductivity, and thermal stability
  • Less than 5000ppm moisture

3M™ Battery Electrolyte HQ-115 (lithium bis-trifluoromethanesulfonimide) is a high purity electrolyte salt for use in lithium batteries. HQ-115 is widely used as an additive and as the primary salt to enhance battery performance and life.

Use of HQ-115 as an additive in high capacity lithium ion batteries can improve battery life, reduce gas generation and improve battery safety and cell impedance control, especially when cycling at high temperatures. With high conductivity, solubility, and thermal stability, HQ-115 is the ideal salt for use in lithium polymer and primary lithium ion battery systems. HQ-115 is available in a variety of grades from ultra low moisture to aqueous versions.

Typical properties

Product Type

Battery Electrolyte

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