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Take an updated approach to path marking, with the 3M EMS warning tape 7900 series that helps alert the user that there is a risk of damage when digging near underground utility lines by providing visual verification powered by our EMS technology.
Underground utilities may be hidden, but it’s still important to know exactly where they are. 3M™ Locators and Markers provide a complete system for locating, marking and mapping vital underground assets.
From markers that give an exact path and estimated depth of underground utilities, to markers that store information, to utility locators that interface with GPS/GIS field mapping instruments, 3M offers the precision tools you need to manage your assets. Together, these tools provide a complete solution with the performance and reliability you trust from 3M. Learn more about 3M's utility locating products, line locator industry solutions, or utility locator resources.
Discover how 3M can help you solve your locating and marking challenges no matter the utility you serve.
Quickly find a Locating and Marking product below.
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Download our latest locating and marketing whitepaper “Magnetic Resonators for Locating Underground Assets” – and explore the latest technology that can help you improve your path marking capabilities.