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    Powering Jobs. In our own backyard.


    3M Trifecta Dark Blue/Blue mesh
    Powering Jobs. In our own backyard.

    Manufacturing products for the electrical industry right here in the US is something 3M has done for many years and continues to do today.

    • American Flag Waving

      “Made in the USA.”

      It’s a small statement on a product label, but it says a lot. It says that we are committed to making quality products for electrical workers right where they live. It also means that we’re committed to creating jobs for Americans and helping them keep food on the table.

      3M started as a small company and grew to the global one it is today. But, we remember our roots, and we are proud to be one of the few companies that still make things right here in the states. Over 1,400 of the 34,000 employees of 3M in the United States are fully dedicated to serving the U.S. electrical industry.