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  4. From taping electrical wires to protecting 100,000+ miles of pipeline.
3M Energy
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    From taping electrical wires to protecting 100,000+ miles of pipeline.


    3M Trifecta Green/Light Blue mesh
    From taping electrical wires to protecting 100,000+ miles of pipeline.

    3M™ Scotchkote™ Pipe Coatings have covered over 100,000 miles of diverse service pipelines.

    • Men working with a large pipe.

      It began with a very large order of electrical tape.

      We found out the customer was using the tape to wrap pipeline field joints. This set 3M on a journey to develop a coating specifically made to protect pipes. We took our initial knowledge of molding powders used in the electronics industry and evolved it into a new idea: Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating for pipelines.

      Since that day 3M™ Scotchkote™ Pipe Coatings have been applied to over 100,000 miles of diverse service pipelines.
      Discover how 3M™ Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coatings have you covered.