3M™ Clarity™ Aligners VWP: Case ID LH3S8C by Justin Hughes
Virtual White Paper (Low Resolution version) demonstrating correction of Class I severe deep bite (100%), mild upper spacing and mild lower crowding with combination treatment. Upper Arch Only: Initial Tx Design, stages 1-21 (21 aligners); Refinement 1, stages 22-29 (8 aligners); Refinement 2, stages 30-37 (8 aligners). Lower Arch: Mandibular Wire Sequence: 014 NiTi, 018 Reverse Curve NiTi, 16x22 NiTi, 19x25 NiTi, 19x25 SS. After 11 months of treatment added the LL7, rebracket the LR2, drop back to 018 NiTi, then same wire sequence as before.