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3M™ 360 Encompass™ Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC)

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Thousands of hospitals across the U.S. trust Solventum technology to automate coding workflows powered by expert-guided artificial intelligence (AI) that helps coders save time and hospitals reduce costs. As part of the 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System platform, the computer-assisted coding (CAC) facility module seamlessly integrates with professional services coding, clinical documentation integrity (CDI), real time clinical intelligence reporting, auditing tools and more.

Product details

Improved quality scores

Improved quality scores

Improved coder productivity

Improved coder productivity

Improved case mix index (CMI)

Improved case mix index (CMI)

Improved revenue capture

Improved revenue capture

Expert clinical and content-driven AI

A powerful blend of statistical methodologies and expert rules to automate coding improvement.

Key quality metrics identification

Includes potentially preventable readmissions (PPRs), potentially preventable complications (PPCs) and patient safety indicators (PSIs) prior to billing and discharge.

Advanced code sequencing

Maximize your code set and improve quality scores without sacrificing reimbursement.

On-premise or in the cloud

All the features available for 360 Encompass CAC on-premises can now be delivered via the Cloud Platform. Agile cloud solutions allow organizations to focus less on time consuming IT maintenance and delivery and more on business outcomes.


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How Avera Health is able to move toward direct to bill without increasing FTEs